Live information
Before visiting us
If you plan to visit EBAV by air, you are required to confirm that you read and
understood the Pilot Briefing, and Airfield Manual and that you will comply with its instructions.
This is a mandatory briefing imposed by the DGTA, the Belgian CAA.
You can read the briefing and confirm that you read it here.
Don’t forget, EBAV is a PPR airfield !
PPR mandatory: call
- +32 (0)483/33.72.30 (airfield commander) or
- +32 (0)478/09.74.94 or
- +32 (0)497/24.47.11
(30 min to 1 hour before departure)
When you call for PPR approval, you will be asked if you already
read the Pilot Briefing and Airfield Manual, and confirmed it.
Opening hours
- Wednesday & Friday : from 14:00 LT to Sunset (SS)
- Week-end & public holidays : from 9:00 LT to Sunset (SS)